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For Coaches

Application for Mentoring Opportunities


NW Youth Sailing Email List

Email ysd@thesailingfoundation.org to join the email list about the winter youth sailing conferences and about youth sailing in the summer and/ or to join the email list to learn about Spring/ Fall youth sailing.


Pre Regatta Coach Meeting

For coaches that are on their first or second summer traveling to NWYRC events, we will be having a zoom meeting before each regatta. 

Going to a Regatta 101 Document

Packing List:
  • Spare Parts
    • Tiller extension
    • Sail ties and preventer lines (for opti coaches)
    • Ring dings and pins
    • Spinnaker pole and spinnaker (for 420 coaches)
    • Bailer
    • Tow line
      • 20+ ft for single-handed boats
      • 30+ft for double-handed boats
    • Dolly bolts
    • Sail Tape
  • Tools
    • Wrench
    • Knife
    • Lighter/ torch
    • Phillips and flathead screwdrivers
    • Plyers
    • Scissors
  • VHF Radio
  • Medical forms
  • Water refill solution
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sunscreen
  • Anchor & Line (in case of boat breakdown)
To-do Before leaving:
  • Send an email to sailors and parents
    • Where to go
    • Schedule, including arrival time to unload trailer and when and where the morning briefing will take place
    • What to do if they are sick or lost and aren’t arriving when they are expected to
    • When parents are needed to pick up sailors/ or how they will know the time
    • Chaperone expectations (parents on site or within X minutes of dock) - especially important for new sailors who might not make it the entire day
  • Gas up coach boat
  • Charge radio(s)
Before Racing:
  • Check the notice board for updates.
  • Attend the coaches meeting or safety briefing. 
  • Make sure the boats are rigged properly and have all the required safety equipment.
  • Make sure sailors have layers, water, and food.
  • Give sailors a few things to focus on.
  • Assess the racing conditions for each sailor’s level and decide if it is safe for them to be on the race course (this is different from sailing in class).
  • Provide a clear plan for your sailors to retire early (who will meet them on the dock and where & not to go back out without specific permission from a coach).
  • Communicate expectations between races to your sailors (meet with the coach boat, stay within X distance from the start line, etc).
After Racing:
  • Work with all coaches to get all boats ashore, assist in towing as necessary.
  • Make sure all your sailors are safely onshore before going on shore.
  • Check the notice board for updates and protest filings.
  • Debrief 1-3 points, unless they have questions and want to continue (but at some point release the group).
  • Ensure equipment is appropriately stowed in designated spaces.
  • Make sure sailors are rehydrating and eating.
  • Remind them of report time the next day.
  • Release sailors to their responsible adult.